Vote Adams for State Representive

Nathaniel Adams
for Ohio House of Representatives

District 72 – Portage County

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Head Shot Nathaniel AdamsNathaniel Adams is a New Generation in Ohio politics, focused on bringing real change to Portage County and the Ohio legislature. Unlike politicians in Columbus who are bogged down in outrageous social issue fights, Nathaniel will advocate for funding infrastructure, fighting for education and working to bring good paying jobs to Ohio workers.

After earning his masters degree from Kent State University in 2020, Nathaniel was able to pursue his interest in public service full time. He began by serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA staffer for the Greater Cleveland Foodbank. He helped develop and implement a project to move the Foodbank beyond its role as a food pantry. This project delivered healthy meals and necessary cooking utensils weekly, actively supporting families struggling with food insecurity. Nathaniel now works for State and Federal Communications, a firm in Akron that provides key support to organizations and companies in their compliance with the regulations governing their endeavors.

Nathaniel has been a resident of Portage County for 17 years, graduating from Theodore Roosevelt High School in 2013, receiving his bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Hiram College in 2017 and his master’s degree in Communication Studies from Kent State University. His passion for public service dates back to his earliest years. As a Boy Scout, he was active in projects across Portage County; from clean-up and construction projects in parks and public spaces, to cultural events and occasions for older residents in Kent. As an undergraduate, he worked on multiple get-out-the vote campaigns and interned as a political field assistant. As a graduate student, Nathaniel worked in the Kent State Survey Research Lab, helping conduct nonprofit surveys benefiting communities, including on policing and potential police reform in Ohio.

With his passion for public service and his knowledge of the issues affecting both Portage County and the State of Ohio, Nathaniel is ready for this task. His willingness to take on difficult challenges, his deep connection to the Portage County community, and his experience with Ohio elections make him the most qualified candidate to represent Ohio's 72nd District.

Paid for by Committee to Elect Nathaniel Adams